Apparently I'm a guy.....who knew!
***You Are 90% Boyish and 10% Girlish***
You have a tough exterior - and usually a tough interior to match it.
You're no nonsense, logical, and very assertive.
Sometimes you can't understand women at all, even if you're a woman yourself.
You see things rationally, and don't like to let your emotions get the best of you.
How Boyish or Girlish Are You?
My blog about my life with an autistic son, a miscarriage, and a rainbow baby who developed Type 1 Diabetes at age 3.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Why am I not surprised?
Imagine that....I score as something from Joss Whedon's mind....
You scored as Serenity (from Firefly). You like to live your own way and do not enjoy when anyone but a friend tries to tell you that you should do different. Now if only the Reavers would quit trying to skin you.
Which sci-fi crew would you best fit in? v1.0 created with |
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Just what we needed.....
So we have another dog living with us for the time being. Last weekend, our neighbor knocked on our door thinking our dog had gotten loose. She had with her a sweet young lab/pit bull mix. He looked like one of our neighbor's dogs so we sent her to check with him, giving her one of our dog's leashes to use. She brought the leash back so we figured she found his home.
When she couldn't find his home, she decided to let him go hoping he'd find his way back to his home.
Nope again.
As I walked our dog Monday morning, guess who was running through yards making all of the neighborhood dogs incensed. Yep....our buddy from the weekend. I brought him home and put him in a spare crate we had and figured I'd look for his owner when I got home from work. I created flyers and we walked the neighborhood putting them in everyone's mailboxes, but only got one response. Unfortunately, it wasn't "Buddy's" owner. I also placed an ad on and called the county humane society and dog control. No luck.
Flash forward to Tuesday night. Turtle's away for the evening at school. I come home and open the door to Buddy's crate. He struggles to get his hind end underneath him but finally does and walks stiffly outside to do his business. I keep an eye on him and the more he walks, the looser he seems. I chalk it up to having spent the day on the hard plastic crate floor and put a dog bed in his crate for the night. I wake up Wednesday morning and he can't even get up. He tries, but actually can't.
Oh no. Not good. Crap! I'm home by myself and don't have any more personal days. Shit!
I call Turtle and tell him the situation and ask him to leave work early to take Buddy to the vet. He does and, as it turns out, the poor dog has both Lyme disease AND Ehrlichiosis (the same bug that causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in humans). Fortunately, both are treatable with the same antibiotic and some anti-inflamitories.
We also learned the value of microchipping your pets. Turns out "Buddy" has one and is really "Phoenix". The bad news is that his current owner never registered with the database company. The number in the database belongs to his previous owner who sold him last year and moved to England. His father (whose number is the one in the registry) offered to contact him to find out who he sold Phoenix to.
And that's where we stand today. One hundred plus dollars in the hole for a dog that isn't even ours and whose owner seems to be elusive. It'll be interesting how this whole situation pans out.
'Til next time....
When she couldn't find his home, she decided to let him go hoping he'd find his way back to his home.
Nope again.
As I walked our dog Monday morning, guess who was running through yards making all of the neighborhood dogs incensed. Yep....our buddy from the weekend. I brought him home and put him in a spare crate we had and figured I'd look for his owner when I got home from work. I created flyers and we walked the neighborhood putting them in everyone's mailboxes, but only got one response. Unfortunately, it wasn't "Buddy's" owner. I also placed an ad on and called the county humane society and dog control. No luck.
Flash forward to Tuesday night. Turtle's away for the evening at school. I come home and open the door to Buddy's crate. He struggles to get his hind end underneath him but finally does and walks stiffly outside to do his business. I keep an eye on him and the more he walks, the looser he seems. I chalk it up to having spent the day on the hard plastic crate floor and put a dog bed in his crate for the night. I wake up Wednesday morning and he can't even get up. He tries, but actually can't.
Oh no. Not good. Crap! I'm home by myself and don't have any more personal days. Shit!
I call Turtle and tell him the situation and ask him to leave work early to take Buddy to the vet. He does and, as it turns out, the poor dog has both Lyme disease AND Ehrlichiosis (the same bug that causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in humans). Fortunately, both are treatable with the same antibiotic and some anti-inflamitories.
We also learned the value of microchipping your pets. Turns out "Buddy" has one and is really "Phoenix". The bad news is that his current owner never registered with the database company. The number in the database belongs to his previous owner who sold him last year and moved to England. His father (whose number is the one in the registry) offered to contact him to find out who he sold Phoenix to.
And that's where we stand today. One hundred plus dollars in the hole for a dog that isn't even ours and whose owner seems to be elusive. It'll be interesting how this whole situation pans out.
'Til next time....
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
New doors opening
So many things have happened this year. Bad things. First my foot which is just now beginning to feel "normal" again. Then, this week my tooth decided to die and develop an abscess. I just had a root canal today. They're not as bad as everyone says. Actually, I feel much better now than I did before the surgery.
At any rate, even though all of this bad stuff keeps happening, I'm seeing some doors open too. Currently I'm a computer desktop support technician. That's just a glorified way of saying I'm a computer breaks, I fix it. In the next 10 years, I see the need for people like me decreasing. Operating systems are becoming more stable, hardware is getting more interchangable, and computers are becoming so inexpensive, it will make more sense to just replace the computer instead of paying someone like me to fix it. Of course, a lot of my colleagues disagree with me, but that's where I see my job going.
At the same time, I've never been one to stay in one job more than a few years. I get bored really easily and though the world of computers has changed rapidly enough to keep my interest, I'm feeling that itch to do something else. And I keep being led back to working with horses and dogs.
I was asked this year to head up the horse show for the local fair. I live in a very rural area which has a very small fair and in the past they had a decent horse show. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the people who did the horse show left and the other livestock people didn't have the time or energy to put into a horse show. So they sold off all of the jumps; tore down the ring and didn't have a horse show for several years. Last year a local stable owner offered to put together a show so her students could participate, but it was too much for her to do it all which is where I came in. A friend of mine at work is the Livestock Superintendent in the fair and she basically guilted me into putting the horse show together. I offered to do it then promply broke my foot in that car accident.
This year's show is going to be really basic, but I'm enjoying it and next year I'm planning to have a much nicer show. I'm going to write a grant proposal to the Maryland Horse Council to see if we can get some money to rebuild the ring and put in good footing. Maybe buy some jumps. I've also been asked to work with an extension agent's two horses and start giving her riding lessons. I'm hoping this will be a springboard to getting back into the horse community. Training, teach and giving clinics would definitely work much better with a family schedule. You can still teach riding lessons when you're pregnant.
With my background in management and computers, I can forsee starting my own business in the equestrian community. At some point, I'd like to create a US Pony Club branch on the lower shore. Not that 4-H isn't a good start, but I just don't see the emphasis on good animal husbandry that I experienced in Pony Club. The other livestock groups might do that, but they just don't have that background in the 4-H horse clubs. I see a need for people to learn how to properly bandage a cut leg and how to handle colic.
Hopefully, I'm really seeing new doors opening and the dawn of a new part of my life.
At any rate, even though all of this bad stuff keeps happening, I'm seeing some doors open too. Currently I'm a computer desktop support technician. That's just a glorified way of saying I'm a computer breaks, I fix it. In the next 10 years, I see the need for people like me decreasing. Operating systems are becoming more stable, hardware is getting more interchangable, and computers are becoming so inexpensive, it will make more sense to just replace the computer instead of paying someone like me to fix it. Of course, a lot of my colleagues disagree with me, but that's where I see my job going.
At the same time, I've never been one to stay in one job more than a few years. I get bored really easily and though the world of computers has changed rapidly enough to keep my interest, I'm feeling that itch to do something else. And I keep being led back to working with horses and dogs.
I was asked this year to head up the horse show for the local fair. I live in a very rural area which has a very small fair and in the past they had a decent horse show. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the people who did the horse show left and the other livestock people didn't have the time or energy to put into a horse show. So they sold off all of the jumps; tore down the ring and didn't have a horse show for several years. Last year a local stable owner offered to put together a show so her students could participate, but it was too much for her to do it all which is where I came in. A friend of mine at work is the Livestock Superintendent in the fair and she basically guilted me into putting the horse show together. I offered to do it then promply broke my foot in that car accident.
This year's show is going to be really basic, but I'm enjoying it and next year I'm planning to have a much nicer show. I'm going to write a grant proposal to the Maryland Horse Council to see if we can get some money to rebuild the ring and put in good footing. Maybe buy some jumps. I've also been asked to work with an extension agent's two horses and start giving her riding lessons. I'm hoping this will be a springboard to getting back into the horse community. Training, teach and giving clinics would definitely work much better with a family schedule. You can still teach riding lessons when you're pregnant.
With my background in management and computers, I can forsee starting my own business in the equestrian community. At some point, I'd like to create a US Pony Club branch on the lower shore. Not that 4-H isn't a good start, but I just don't see the emphasis on good animal husbandry that I experienced in Pony Club. The other livestock groups might do that, but they just don't have that background in the 4-H horse clubs. I see a need for people to learn how to properly bandage a cut leg and how to handle colic.
Hopefully, I'm really seeing new doors opening and the dawn of a new part of my life.
Friday, April 15, 2005
So many titles....
Apparently, I'm very confused. Over the years, my spiritual beliefs have changed, though one thing was always apparent - I'm definitely not a Christian.
I've taken the Religion Selector quiz several times over the years from, but it always comes up Neo-pagan. But that didn't quite fit. For the last year or two, Unitarian Universalism has felt right, but it's still not perfect. I did a search the other day to learn more about UUs and found a link that took me to a Pantheism site. I'd never heard of that before but, with the exception of the whole "there is no god/supreme life force/being," that sorta fit too. Tonight I took Selectsmart's Non-theistic Philosophies/Religions selector and it said that I'm an Atheistic Pagan.
Hmmm. That's different. Never heard of that one before. Makes sense though. The whole there's a God and a Goddess thing never really did work for me. I just can't go for the whole physical beings in the sky looking down on me thing. That was the same problem I had with Christianity to begin with.
I also took the Which UU are you quiz. Figured it couldn't hurt. According to that I'm Buddhist. Well, I can kinda see that too. The whole less is more, spiritual enlightenment thing I kinda agree with too.
So I guess I'm a UU/Buddhist/Atheistic Pagan/Pantheist. Well, isn't that a mouthful? It's much easier to just say I'm UU when anyone asks though. Like when I had the surgery to put the screws in my foot from that car accident. I wasn't expecting the guy taking down my information to ask my religion. I just blurted out UU. The guy looked at me like I had just made it up. He'd obviously never heard of it. At least he didn't freak from me saying Pagan. That was always annoying. Not to mention it seemed to invite religious zealots to argue with me about my own beliefs.
OK....getting sleepy. Time to sign off now.
I've taken the Religion Selector quiz several times over the years from, but it always comes up Neo-pagan. But that didn't quite fit. For the last year or two, Unitarian Universalism has felt right, but it's still not perfect. I did a search the other day to learn more about UUs and found a link that took me to a Pantheism site. I'd never heard of that before but, with the exception of the whole "there is no god/supreme life force/being," that sorta fit too. Tonight I took Selectsmart's Non-theistic Philosophies/Religions selector and it said that I'm an Atheistic Pagan.
Hmmm. That's different. Never heard of that one before. Makes sense though. The whole there's a God and a Goddess thing never really did work for me. I just can't go for the whole physical beings in the sky looking down on me thing. That was the same problem I had with Christianity to begin with.
I also took the Which UU are you quiz. Figured it couldn't hurt. According to that I'm Buddhist. Well, I can kinda see that too. The whole less is more, spiritual enlightenment thing I kinda agree with too.
So I guess I'm a UU/Buddhist/Atheistic Pagan/Pantheist. Well, isn't that a mouthful? It's much easier to just say I'm UU when anyone asks though. Like when I had the surgery to put the screws in my foot from that car accident. I wasn't expecting the guy taking down my information to ask my religion. I just blurted out UU. The guy looked at me like I had just made it up. He'd obviously never heard of it. At least he didn't freak from me saying Pagan. That was always annoying. Not to mention it seemed to invite religious zealots to argue with me about my own beliefs.
OK....getting sleepy. Time to sign off now.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Let the poor woman die in peace
This whole issue of Terri Schaivo makes me sad. I just wish the rest of the country would butt out of the case. She married her husband and when she did, she made the conscious decision to have him as her next-of-kin. That honor no longer belongs to her parents. Right or wrong, her husband should have the final say as to what should be done.
Turtle and I spent Easter last weekend with my parents. I told them in no uncertain terms, that Turtle has the final say over what happens to me if I can't make my own decisions - whether they like his decision or not. They agreed.
That having been said, I'm going to make a living will a priority because I don't want stuff yanked out of me and reinserted repeatedly because people can't let go.
Turtle and I spent Easter last weekend with my parents. I told them in no uncertain terms, that Turtle has the final say over what happens to me if I can't make my own decisions - whether they like his decision or not. They agreed.
That having been said, I'm going to make a living will a priority because I don't want stuff yanked out of me and reinserted repeatedly because people can't let go.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Ouch! My Foot!
It's been 8 weeks since I've been able to walk. Part of me is pissed and part of me just looks at the good side - I'll be able to walk again at some point. Eight weeks ago a 22-year-old woman wasn't paying attention and tried crossing the highway in front of me. She said she didn't see me. How you miss a big, honkin', red Buick LeSabre boat of a car with the lights on is beyond me. Anyway, she pulled out and I nailed her at about 45 mph. Thankfully, something made me swerve at the last minute and instead of hitting where her young daughter was sitting, I hit her front passenger side door. Her daughter was completely unscathed.
To make a very long story short, I now have two titanium screws holding my foot together. I saw my doctor this week and he said that it's healing well. I get to start walking with my robo-boot (Turtle's term) next week. Then in June, the screws come out.
It still aches most of the time and sometimes it's more like a shooting pain. Now I get to buy a new (used) car to replace the Buick which died.
To make a very long story short, I now have two titanium screws holding my foot together. I saw my doctor this week and he said that it's healing well. I get to start walking with my robo-boot (Turtle's term) next week. Then in June, the screws come out.
It still aches most of the time and sometimes it's more like a shooting pain. Now I get to buy a new (used) car to replace the Buick which died.
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