Friday, April 15, 2005

So many titles....

Apparently, I'm very confused. Over the years, my spiritual beliefs have changed, though one thing was always apparent - I'm definitely not a Christian.

I've taken the Religion Selector quiz several times over the years from, but it always comes up Neo-pagan. But that didn't quite fit. For the last year or two, Unitarian Universalism has felt right, but it's still not perfect. I did a search the other day to learn more about UUs and found a link that took me to a Pantheism site. I'd never heard of that before but, with the exception of the whole "there is no god/supreme life force/being," that sorta fit too. Tonight I took Selectsmart's Non-theistic Philosophies/Religions selector and it said that I'm an Atheistic Pagan.

Hmmm. That's different. Never heard of that one before. Makes sense though. The whole there's a God and a Goddess thing never really did work for me. I just can't go for the whole physical beings in the sky looking down on me thing. That was the same problem I had with Christianity to begin with.

I also took the Which UU are you quiz. Figured it couldn't hurt. According to that I'm Buddhist. Well, I can kinda see that too. The whole less is more, spiritual enlightenment thing I kinda agree with too.

So I guess I'm a UU/Buddhist/Atheistic Pagan/Pantheist. Well, isn't that a mouthful? It's much easier to just say I'm UU when anyone asks though. Like when I had the surgery to put the screws in my foot from that car accident. I wasn't expecting the guy taking down my information to ask my religion. I just blurted out UU. The guy looked at me like I had just made it up. He'd obviously never heard of it. At least he didn't freak from me saying Pagan. That was always annoying. Not to mention it seemed to invite religious zealots to argue with me about my own beliefs.

OK....getting sleepy. Time to sign off now.
