Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Current State of Mind

Turtle has been encouraging me to blog as a way to deal with my stress and anxiety.  I can't fathom how people can be so cold-hearted that they truly don't care when someone else's child has a disease that could kill them but can also be managed with modern medicine.  How do people look themselves in the mirror every day and not have even a smidge of guilt?  How can they truly believe that life should be be every man for himself?  That, because a child is born into poverty (or really just not born into privilege) that it's just too bad that they are sick.

  • Sick people who expect everyone else to pay for them are the people who are causing all the problems with insurance.
  • Why don't you pay for your healthcare/medicines/life-saving devices with the money you earn?
  • Why should I have to give up my "hard-earned money" so that someone else can milk the system?
  • The government is just out to take my money.
  • It's a shame that people who NEED these social programs (meaning people they care about) can't access it when there are so many undeserving people who "abuse the system."
  • Hasn't that person been sick/ill/dealing with that extreme pain for a long time?  Maybe it's time they just accept that's their life now and move on.  Get back to work.  Stop expecting other people to do for them.
  • I'm able to push through my pain so anyone can.
  • As long as we can afford care for our family, the system is working.
  • *Those people* (of a different race, religion, gender, etc.) are just whining and want special attention.  I've never seen anyone actually be discriminated against.

I have seriously heard each of these comments.  I just don't get it.  I can't even respond because of the complete lack of understanding that we have societies because we are stronger together than we are alone.  The lack of basic compassion.  The assumption that they fully understand another person's perspective and situation which of course means that person is somehow lacking.

That's not to mention the people who wield God as a weapon and insist that anyone who has any misfortune in their lives are somehow complicit in their demise because they "aren't right with God."  Are you fucking kidding me?  And these people have managed to get into positions of power in our society.  What the hell?

I. Just. Can't.

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