Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My, How Life Has Changed

I took a several-year hiatus from writing this blog.  In the interim I wrote posts on my LiveJournal account and kept most of them locked down.  Now, it feels like it's the right time to do some writing and put it out there for the world to see.  Who knows....maybe someone can find some peace from me sharing my life and know they're not alone.

First, I've renamed my blog after my kids.  My 4.5-year-old son I've always called "Sunshine." Even when he struggles with being autistic in this crazy world and lashes out...underneath all the anxiety is a sunny disposition, a wicked sense of humor, and intelligence beyond his years.  I've taken to calling my infant daughter (10 weeks today!) "Rainbow" because she is my rainbow baby.  For those not in the know, a rainbow baby is one born after the loss of a child - miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss.

There's really too much to write it all down today, but I will begin sharing parts of our lives, how we deal with it - the good and the bad, and our joys and triumphs.  When we started out on this journey in 2006 (when we began trying to conceive - TTC), we had no clue what we were in for.  There are days when it honestly feels too hard to keep going but the future is uncertain and if there's one thing Hubby and I have, it's perseverance (and a lot of love).

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